jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid help me about combobox

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  • help me about combobox #66155


    Hi all,
    I ‘ve a problem about selectIndex into the combobox, pls help me solve it!

    column :
    Ma SP (sp1,sp2,sp3,sp4,sp5);
    Ten SP (break, milk,egg, soup, water);
    sp1 -> break
    sp2 -> milk
    sp3 -> egg
    sp4 -> soup
    sp5 -> water

    I want to choose value to “Ten SP” then the combobox of “Ma SP” show value respectively

    example :

    I choose sp1 to “Ma SP” then “Ten SP” is break.

    						text: 'Ma SP', datafield: 'masp' ,columntype: 'combobox', width: 120,
    						createeditor: function (row, cellvalue, editor) {
    						var source = {
    							datatype: "json",
    							datafields: [
    							{ name: 'masp' }
    							id: 'id',
    							url: 'php/get_data_column_masanpham.php',
    							async: false
    						var dataAdapterSP = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source);
    							editor.jqxComboBox({ selectedIndex: cellvalue, source: dataAdapterSP, displayMember: "masp", valueMember: "masp", width: 200, height: 25, theme: theme });
    						editor.bind('select', function (event) {
    						if (event.args) {
    							var item = event.args.item;
    							if (item) {
    								return item.value;
    					{ text: "Ten SP", datafield: 'tensp' ,columntype: 'combobox', width: 200,
    						createeditor: function (row, cellvalue, editor) {
    						var source = {
    							datatype: "json",
    							datafields: [
    							{ name: 'tensp' }
    							id: 'id',
    							url: 'php/get_data_column_tensanpham.php',
    							async: false
    						var dataAdapterSP = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source);
    							editor.jqxComboBox({ selectedIndex: cellvalue, source: dataAdapterSP, displayMember: "tensp", valueMember: "tensp", width: 200, height: 25, theme: theme });
    							editor.bind('select', function (event) {
    							//var selTaxCodeIndex = editor.jqxComboBox('getSelectedIndex');
    							//$("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid('setcellvalue', 0, 'masp', selTaxCodeIndex);
    						if (event.args) {
    							var item = event.args.item;
    							if (item) {
    								//$("#jqxListBox").jqxGrid('selectIndex', 0 ); 
    								return item.value;
                            initeditor: function (row, column, editor) {
                                //editor.jqxComboBox('selectIndex', 0);
                            // update the editor's value before saving it.
                            cellvaluechanging: function (row, column, columntype, oldvalue, newvalue) {
                                // return the old value, if the new value is empty.
                                if (newvalue == "") return oldvalue;
    help me about combobox #66160


    Hello bachkylan,

    I am not exactly sure what your requirement is. Do you need something like our demo Cascading ComboBoxes? If not, please specify what errors are thrown in your browser’s console when you are running this code. Please also note that unless ‘masp’ and ‘tensp’ are numeric fields, the selectedIndex properties will be set to non-numeric values which is not allowed.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

    help me about combobox #66162


    Hi Dimitar, Thanks for your reply!

    It same as demo ,

    I ‘ve two column as this photo, I choose value to “Tên hàng” column, then “Mã SP” column show respectively value with index of “Tên hàng ” column

    I can get index of “Tên hàng” column but i don’t know set index for “Mã SP” column.

    Untitled 2<br />hebergeur image<br /><br />

    I hope you ‘ll understand my problem.


    help me about combobox #66199


    Hi bachkylan,

    Please take a careful look at the example we provided. The functionality you require is achieved by calling setcellvalue in the callback function cellvaluechanging.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

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