I just realized that the selectrow method un-select an already selected row. It acts in fact like a trigger. This is not a welcome behaviour.
The unselectrow method does not select the row if it is already unselected why the opposite is true for the selectrow method.
Maybe I do something wrong? Here is a sample of my code
function selectDisplayedRows(){ var $songsGrid = $("#songsGrid"); var displayedRows = $songsGrid.jqxGrid("getdisplayrows"); if(songs.length == displayedRows.length){ $songsGrid.jqxGrid('selectallrows'); $songsGrid.trigger("rowselect"); }else{ $songsGrid.jqxGrid('beginupdate'); for(rowIndex in displayedRows){ $songsGrid.jqxGrid('unselectrow', displayedRows[rowIndex].dataindex); // needed to make sure the row is "trully" unselected $songsGrid.jqxGrid('selectrow', displayedRows[rowIndex].dataindex); } $songsGrid.jqxGrid('endupdate'); $songsGrid.jqxGrid('refresh'); } }