jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Grid on IE 7

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Dimitar 10 years, 8 months ago.

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    Grid on IE 7 Posts
  • Grid on IE 7 #54373


    Dear sir,

    Jqxgrid cant display on IE7

    I use jqwidgets 1.8.3

    Best regads,

    Grid on IE 7 #54374


    Hello mail2taurus,

    The grid can be displayed in Internet Explorer 7. You can try out the demos, which have been tested in all major browsers. We suggest you to update to the latest version of jQWidgets (3.2.2) and try again. Another reason for your issue may be the version of jQuery you use – jQuery version 2.x (2.1.1) does not support Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8. If that is the case, you should switch to version 1.x (1.11.1), which supports those browsers.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

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