Hello community,
I ran into this bug using dropdown style Grid-column filter where the dropdown has filterable=true.
See https://jsfiddle.net/mchobbel/yb439w57/5/
- 1) klik on the dropdown-filter, now you see options X01, X02, etc..
- 2) Type ‘Y’ in the Looking-for input field, now you see options Y01, Y02, etc..
- 3) Choose Y02 , Now the selected Gridrow is X01 !
My analysis is that interally (in jqx) there is a mixup between visible index and list index.
List index:
{1: 'X01', 2:'X02', 3:'X03', 4: 'Y01',5: 'Y02', 6:'Y03'}
Visible index when dropdown is filtered on (Looking-for) Y:
{0: 'Y01', 1:'Y02', 2: 'Y03' }