jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Grid cellsrenderer row text wrap and row height dynamic on click

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  admin 6 years, 3 months ago.

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  • dan123

    Hi i have this grid with autorowheight and its using this cellsrenderer where i want to place multiple fields with respective as label and then value in one single column.

    Problems i am facing are”
    1. As i resize the column, the word wrap is between the label and value is strange causing the value to cut to the bottom and label at the top. (I am trying to have both the label and value to go to the next line during resize)
    2. I have this dropdown that basically shows/hides fields on click, but the grid row height does not increase and if your doing any sort/resize the field itself doesn’t show up. (Example: I checked ‘CPU’, the field gets displayed in result but the row height didn’t increase. Also if i try sorting/resize this field would disappear.)

    Here is my jsfiddle:


    Hi dan123,

    auto-row height works with the browser’s default wrapping by setting white-space: normal in the Cells CSS. You can probably customize the HTML in the cells renderer to better fit your web app needs. For example, by using table html element in the cell or something like that.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

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