jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Grid bulk update CRUD support with MVC

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  • Grid bulk update CRUD support with MVC #66569

    Ankit Shah

    Hello JQX team,

    I am using MVC with JQX widget and I referred topics on MVC and JQXGrid support that is provided.

    My requirement is that I need to save all the updates made to the grid once, instead of single operation at a time. Like if user adds one row, updates 2-3 rows and deletes one row. When user press a save button ( on grid toolbar), it should call respective action methods defined in addrow, updaterow and deleterow methods with respective records that are added, updated, deleted.

    Do you suggest any path with existing implementation or if not available, any future plans to support this feature?


    Grid bulk update CRUD support with MVC #66571

    Peter Stoev

    Hi Ankit Shah,

    jqxGrid has no automatic updates to your DB so you can make them when you wish. jqxGrid only raises callbacks when there is change – Add, Delete or Update. You can save that information into custom arrays and make the appropriate Ajax calles at the point you decide to do so.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

    Grid bulk update CRUD support with MVC #66661

    Ankit Shah

    Ok, that answers the question. I just wanted to know if there is such in-built support.

    Thanks Peter.

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