jQuery UI Widgets Forums Navigation Tree Getting the selected item (from the original "source" constructor argument)

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Peter Stoev 12 years, 5 months ago.

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  • bouyoul


    I am using jqxTree. When constructing the tree, each item in the “source” argument have the following attributes:

    id, data, label, items

    When an item is selected on the tree, I need to get its corresponding ID, as passed to the tree using the “source” argument: The label itself is insufficient for me (not unique in the tree).

    After binding to the ‘select’ event and getting the selected item (with jqxTree(‘selectedItem’)), I thought I would get the original object (as passed to the “source” argument) but instead I get a different object with the same label but a different id (that starts with “treeItem”). No trace of “data” or the original “id” attribute.

    My questions:
    – Is it a bug?
    – If not, how to obtain the ID of the selected tree item (as passed to the “source” argument)?



    Peter Stoev

    Hi bouyoul,

    ‘data’ and ‘id’ properties are not supported when creating the jqxTree from object. To use an unique id, use the ‘value’ property.

    For example:

    var source = [
    { icon: "../../images/mailIcon.png", label: "Mail", value: 'blue', expanded: true, items: [
    { icon: "../../images/calendarIcon.png", label: "Calendar" },
    { icon: "../../images/contactsIcon.png", label: "Contacts", selected: true }
    { icon: "../../images/folder.png", label: "Inbox", expanded: true, items: [
    { icon: "../../images/folder.png", label: "Admin" },
    { icon: "../../images/folder.png", label: "Corporate" },
    { icon: "../../images/folder.png", label: "Finance" },
    { icon: "../../images/folder.png", label: "Other" },
    { icon: "../../images/recycle.png", label: "Deleted Items" },
    { icon: "../../images/notesIcon.png", label: "Notes" },
    { iconsize: 14, icon: "../../images/settings.png", label: "Settings" },
    { icon: "../../images/favorites.png", label: "Favorites" },
    // create jqxTree
    $('#jqxTree').jqxTree({ source: source, width: '250px', checkboxes: true, theme: theme });
    var items = $('#jqxTree').jqxTree('getItems');
    var value = items[0].value;

    The first item in the above code has ‘value’ property set to ‘blue’. After the initialization, I get this ‘value’ property from the jqxTree’s items collection.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

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