jQuery UI Widgets Forums Layouts Splitter Getting an error | f is null

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  • Getting an error | f is null #31690



    I’ve a page where I used a splitter, below is the structure of splitter

    At the left hand side, I’ve a grid and at the right hand side, I’ve a form fields with “Submit“, “Cancel” buttons.

    When a user clicks on the “Cancel” button, the splitter panel should collapse and at the same time, grid should be updated with data.

    Actually, I did this but getting an script error saying, “f is null“. Below is the code used for the above functionality during button click.

    $('.jqxCancelEdit').click(function() {

    I couldn’t able to get a possible cause for this issue.

    Can some one suggest me a solution.

    Thanks & Cheers,

    Getting an error | f is null #31743


    Hello rssb,

    The code you provided is insufficient for us to determine the source of the issue. Please post a larger code sample, which we may test locally.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

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