Hello. I have a grid, which has a hidden column. In this case, the hidden column named “delivery_confirmation_id” is not shown, set hidden using “hidecolumn” method. Now I want to get the value of that id when the user click the row. When I try to get the value ( using alert to show the id ), it show 0.
Here is the code :
$("#'.$deliveryConfirmationGridId.'").jqxGrid("hidecolumn","delivery_confirmation_id");var gridObject = $("#'.$deliveryConfirmationGridId.'");var selectedrowindex = gridObject.jqxGrid("getselectedrowindex");var id = gridObject.jqxGrid("getrowid", selectedrowindex);var row = gridObject.jqxGrid("getrowdata",selectedrowindex);alert(row.delivery_confirmation_id); // Displays 0
Is there something wrong that I did ? Please help, thank you