jQuery UI Widgets Forums Editors FileUpload File Upload – Internet Explorer

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  • File Upload – Internet Explorer #84199



    I have successfully implemented JQXFileUpload using Google Chrome, but when testing with IE I noticed an error. When it begins uploading (“uploadStart”), IE prompts the user for a file download containing the JSON response.

    I’ve googled this issue, but many solutions are relating to AJAX calls and changing the contenttype to text/html. So in my WFC method I have added this code:

      JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                string resp = "File was uploaded successfully";
                string strJSON = js.Serialize(resp);
                 postedContext.Response.ContentType = "text/html; charset=utf-8";

    however it still does not work, as it still tries to download this response. The “uploadEnd()” method is never reached, because as soon as my WCF method returns the response, IE tries to download it as a file.

    Has anyone else encountered this issue with JQXFileUpload, and is there a solution besides scrapping JQWidgets and using manual AJAX call?

    File Upload – Internet Explorer #84214


    Hello iLoveJQWidgets,

    I do not think this issue is directly related to jqxFileUpload. What the widget does is create hidden forms with file inputs and submit them to the specified uploadUrl. However, I found a Stack Overflow topic that may offer a solution on the matter: http://stackoverflow.com/a/2492211/2442648 (you may have already seen it, though).

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

    File Upload – Internet Explorer #84266



    Thank you for your response. However I have seen that solution, and it is not feasible to update the registry on several client machines in order to bypass this for internet explorer.

    File Upload – Internet Explorer #84275


    Hi iLoveJQWidgets,

    Could you, please, share if this issue occurs if you are not using jqxFileUpload, but a simple <input type="file" /> inside a form?

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

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