jQuery UI Widgets Forums TreeGrid Expand only filtered rows

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  janets 8 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Expand only filtered rows #85979


    My user wants to filter the tree and have the nodes returned expanded. When I use ExpandAll, it is expanding all tree nodes even when not visible.
    Also the ExpandAll puts black squares in the checkboxes, I saw this was a an existing bug in a prior forum.

    1) Is there a way to only expand filtered row?
    2) Will the black squares in the checkboxes get fixed in the near future.

    Janet S.

    Expand only filtered rows #85980

    Peter Stoev

    Hi Janet,

    1. expandAll expands all tree items. It’s not possible to customize it for just a set of the records.
    2. black square means indeterminate state. This is a feature, not an issue.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

    Expand only filtered rows #86019


    Well I found a way around this to traverse the “view” after the filter is applied.
    The checkbox square does not display as indeterminate in at any other time except with the expand all, is there a specific reason for this?


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