jQuery UI Widgets Forums TreeGrid Error whit updateBoundData in $jqxTreeGrid

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Hristo 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • by_homer

    Hello jqx-Team

    i try the angular integration whit jqWidgets
    I am very surprised how well it works… congratulations

    i have build a treegrid whit the $http({}).success({}).error({}) example from angular… to load the source for the grid

    after this i make new entries in the database whit using a dialog (jqxWindow)

    now i need to refresh the treegrid whit the new database entries…

    so i think the “updateBoundData”-Method is the right for this, but when i do this i become in the ConsoleLog a Error: “to much recursion” and a lot of like this:

    i have try to make my code so short like a testscript, but the error dont will go away

    after this i have make a completly new $http({}).success({}).error({}) script after the new entries in the database… whit only load “source:dataAdapter”

    this are work fine so long the http-request brings realy other source… when i make this whitout new entries then i become the same Error like whit de “updateBoundData”-Method

    so what i make wrong?

    sorry for my bad english… i am very stupid with languages 😉

    this are a fiddle whit a part of the code:

    thanks for help


    Hello by_homer,

    Is it possible a little bit more code that work correct.
    Because this example do not start well and cannot find the reason of this issue.

    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team

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