I have experienced an error if attempting to sort a grid that is not visible (e.g. is in a non-visible tab). I am using jqWidgets v3.0.4 with jQuery 1.7
An uncaught exception is thrown at line 1738 of jqxgrid.js, in _updatehiddenrows, where it attempts to access the hiddenboundrows collection, which in this case is undefined.
The quick fix is simply to wrap a try..catch around the call to ‘sortby’ – the sort still seems to happen despite the error. A more correct fix is to ensure the sort only takes place when the grid is visible.
However, I also suggest to those at jqWidgets that a fix is added to _updatehiddenrows in jqxgrid.js to check for hiddenboundrows being undefined, to prevent the error from occurring in the first place.