jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Error appears when do beginrowedit

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  • Error appears when do beginrowedit #83213


    Hello, jqxGrid team!
    I have a question about your grid.

    I want to make jqxGrid like this.

    1. First, set jqxGrid property Editable to false
    2. When click ‘Edit the first row’ click, first row turns to editable true
    3. First column should be editable false.

    But when I make this, error appears.
    ” Can’t get not defined or null referenced ‘lastname’ property ”
    (Please regard my English is not exactly same what error saying)

    Please look my sample page. What is problem?

    Error appears when do beginrowedit #83221


    Hi soojung,

    To avoid this error set a small delay about your beginrowedit function.
    You can do this with setTimeout().

    Here is a demo.

    Best Regards,
    Ivailo Ivanov

    jQWidgets Team

    Error appears when do beginrowedit #83223


    Oh. Thank you sooo much ivailo! 😀

    Error appears when do beginrowedit #93899


    I have an error with beginrowedit.
    In this fiddle the problem is the same.
    To reproduce the error (in this fiddle from Ivailo for example), click “Edit the first row”, after this, press “Enter” key. You would see that column “Last Name” takes the value from last column, in this case, “Unit price”.
    In my example, I have the same problem in my examples with beginrowedit (using last 4.5.2 version from jqwidgets)

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