jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Enable Keybord Navigation with check box (selectionmode)

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  lucasgraf 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • knight88

    Dear Admin,

    i can’t use keyboard navigation when i set the selection mode : ‘checkbox’? How the make sure that i can use the keyboard navigation with selectionmode :’checkbox’?

     var data = generatedata(500);
     var source = {
         localdata: data,
         datafields: [{
             name: 'firstname',
             type: 'string'
         }, {
             name: 'lastname',
             type: 'string'
         }, {
             name: 'productname',
             type: 'string'
         }, {
             name: 'date',
             type: 'date'
         }, {
             name: 'quantity',
             type: 'number'
         }, {
             name: 'price',
             type: 'number'
         datatype: "array"
     var adapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source);
         width: 500,
         editmode: 'selectedrow',
         editable: true,
         //selectionmode: 'singlecell',
         selectionmode: 'checkbox',
         source: adapter,
         sortable: true,
         columns: [{
             text: 'First Name',
             datafield: 'firstname',
             width: 90
         }, {
             text: 'Last Name',
             datafield: 'lastname',
             width: 90
         }, {
             text: 'Product',
             datafield: 'productname',
             width: 170
         }, {
             text: 'Order Date',
             datafield: 'date',
             width: 160,
             cellsformat: 'dd-MMMM-yyyy'
         }, {
             text: 'Quantity',
             datafield: 'quantity',
             width: 80,
             cellsalign: 'right'
         }, {
             text: 'Unit Price',
             datafield: 'price',
             cellsalign: 'right',
             cellsformat: 'c2'

    Peter Stoev

    Hi knight88,

    You can’t use keyboard in that mode due to the reason that in that mode rows can be selected by clicking a Checkbox, not by navigating with the keyboard up or down.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team


    Sorry for bumping old thread, but ….

    Why does this matter “due to the reason that in that mode rows can be selected by clicking a Checkbox, not by navigating with the keyboard up or down”??

    People still want/expect to be able to navigate through the grid w/pgup/dn and the arrow keys. I don’t get why having the selection as a check box should matter. They will still realize they have to check the checkbox to select the row, or better yet make the spacebar check the checkbox.

    Are there any plans to revisit this? Or any work around we can do manually to override this limitation?

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