jQuery UI Widgets Forums DataTable Edit data

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Martin 6 years, 2 months ago.

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    Edit data Posts
  • Edit data #102822


    Hi, how to edit the data in the table so that the “Edit” button redirects to the external form. I would just like to have a separate form, i.e. just like the dialogue option pops up, I just want to click on edit to get a form that I created or that I can compose. Can you do something like this or are there only those options that are visible on the site?

    Edit data #102840


    Hello dzimen,

    You can take a look at this Demo.
    As you can see the edit dialog is fully customizable and you can compose it yourself.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets Team

    Edit data #102842


    I know, but I need external personalize form for me. I want some fields block in form or in one field I have to download the current time

    Edit data #102853


    Hello dzimen,

    I am not sure what is the issue with this, as you can see Here the edit dialog is just a jqxWindow and you can have whatever content you need in it.
    However, you can also check this Example, where you bind to the ‘click’ event of the Edit button, and add you own logic for opening your external form and then when you are ready editing, you will call the updateRow method of the DataTable to update it with the new data.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets Team

    Edit data #102864


    Ok, I changed a DataTable to Grid, so How I can send to SQL database edited grid? How I can use a updateRow? Have you got a example issues? In updateRow function I must define a SQL Query? How?

    Edit data #102870


    Hello dzimen,

    Firstly, if you are using a Grid the method is called updaterow. It is a callback property of the source which is executed when you invoke
    updaterow method of the jqxGrid: $("#grid").jqxGrid('updaterow', id, datarow);.
    In this callback you should send a request to your server to update the data (ajax call).

    You can see the code of this Demo on the site on how addrow, updaterow and deleterow are used.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets Team

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