jQuery UI Widgets Forums Chart dynamic names in line chart

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  • dynamic names in line chart #62782


    I’m using the line chart from here:

    Rather having fixed names (‘S&P 500’, ‘NASDAQ’) would I like to use dynamic names (name 1 … 5) coming from my data source.
    The data source is a JSON source and looks like
    [{"dataName":"CEWE","xData":"2014-04-29","yData":"98.99"},{"dataName":"CEWE","xData":"2014-04-22","yData":"97.33"},{"dataName":"CEWE","xData":"2014-04-15","yData":"98.64"},{"dataName":"Drillisch","xData":"2014-02-04","yData":"93.65"},{"dataName":"Drillisch","xData":"2014-01-28","yData":"94.47"},{"dataName":"Drillisch","xData":"2014-01-21","yData":"95.36"},{"dataName":"Drillisch","xData":"2014-01-14","yData":"96.43"}, ...

    The names are always different. How can I implement it. xData for the x-axis and data for the y-axis.
    The display text of each line 1 … 5 should be retrieved from the dataName values.


    dynamic names in line chart #62840


    Hello Jens,

    In this case, your series settings should be something like this:

    series: [
            { dataField: 'yData', displayText: dataAdapter.records[0].dataName }

    You would have to make sure the data adapter has been bound to the data by the time you initialize the chart. Thus, make sure the data adapter’s autoBind option is set to true.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

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