jQuery UI Widgets Forums Plugins Validator, Drag & Drop, Sortable Drop targets in outscrolled area

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  • Drop targets in outscrolled area #79377

    Thomas Schmidt

    Hi together

    I have a panel with multiple vertival bars. The oanels has a horizontal scroll bar bevause there are more vertival bars than fit into the visible area of the panel. Every bar is also a drop target for drag and drop.

    If a drag an item, I get the ‘dropTargetEnter’ message also if the mouse cursor is on one of the hidden bars which are located in the area of the panel scrolled out. But I want to drop only on visible bars not on the outscrolled ones.

    Any Idea fo a workaround?


    Drop targets in outscrolled area #79398


    Hi Thomas,

    This is the normal behaviour of the jqxDragDrop plug-in. Unfortunately, it cannot be altered and there is currently no workaround we can provide you with.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

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