jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Disable grid in Angularjs

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  • Disable grid in Angularjs #91717


    What is the correct way to disable a grid in Angularjs? I’ve tried:
    $scope.settings = {… disabled: $scope.disableGrid …} toggle $scope.disableGrid in code but that does not seem to work.
    I’ve also tried $scope.settings = { disabled: true/false } when I want to toggle and that works, but the source data clears.
    I’ve ended up with $scope.settings = { disabled: true/false, source: $scope.data }, rebinding the source to the scope data which seems incorrect.

    I’ve created a jsEditor project showing the problem.

    Thanks for any assistance.

    Disable grid in Angularjs #91743


    Hello MattB,

    Thank you for the interest to our Widget, we will investigate this.
    I would like to suggest you another approach:
    <jqx-grid jqx-settings='settings' jqx-disabled='disableGridAnotherWay'></jqx-grid>

    $scope.btnClick = function() {
    	$scope.disableGridAnotherWay = !$scope.disableGrid;


    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team

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