jQuery UI Widgets Forums TreeGrid Data is not refreshed till check/uncheck checkbox

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Hristo 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • kswist


    Our company has license for jqxWidgets and we having an issue with TreeGrid – it is not refreshing data when changed from script. If I check/uncheck checkbox next to row, data is refreshed.

    I’m updating rows using angularJS:

    var key = $scope.treeGridSettings.jqxTreeGrid('getKey', row);
    $scope.treeGridSettings.jqxTreeGrid('getRow', key).someProperty='new value';

    When I check this scenario on http://jsfiddle.net it was working perfectly fine(TreeGrid was refreshed). I assume we have some issue with configuration(I replaced status bar code and columns with “…” cause it is too long:

    scope.treeGridSettings = {
    			source : scope.dataAdapter,
    			sortable : true,
    			showAggregates : false,
    			showSubAggregates : false,
    			filterable : true,
    			filterMode : 'advanced',
    			checkboxes : true,
    			hierarchicalCheckboxes : true,
    			editable : false,
    			columnsResize : true,
    			selectionMode : "singleRow",
    			width : '100%',
    			height : window.innerHeight - 170,
    			editSettings : {
    				saveOnPageChange : true,
    				saveOnBlur : true,
    				saveOnSelectionChange : true,
    				cancelOnEsc : true,
    				saveOnEnter : true,
    				editOnDoubleClick : true,
    				editOnF2 : true,
    				editSingleCell : true
    			showStatusBar : true,
    			renderStatusBar : function(statusbar) {
    				...									}
    			columns : [ ... ]

    Could you help me debug it?

    Best regards,


    Hello kswist,

    Sorry for the delay.
    Do you have some error messages in the console?
    Also, I would like to suggest you this topic.
    (and this way to use methods – $scope.treeGridSettings.apply('refresh');)
    Please try to update to latest version.

    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team

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