jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Data grid frequent updates

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Peter Stoev 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Data grid frequent updates #58454


    Hi Team,

    Most of my data grid update data after some seconds. And on every data grid I have rowselect method that permit users to display data when a row is selected. But the problem I discovered that sometimes when the user clicks no data is displayed and no row is selected. I couldn’t understand why. The I discovered that each time the user clicks on dadatagrid at the same time it is being updated, that is when it behaves like that, no data is displayed and no row is selected.

    I have something like this for data Updates

        $.get('mydata.php', function(output) {
    }, 10000 );

    Please is there no workaround ? I understand why the user click does not work at the second the datagrid is being refresh, but it seems displeasing to the user to be obliged to click twice some times


    Data grid frequent updates #58458

    Peter Stoev

    Hi mesken,

    Sorry, but we do not understand your issue. Would you provide a sample in jsfiddle.net

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

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