It’s possible to create an editor custom tool with a jqxFileUpload?
I tried so
$('#post_testo').jqxEditor({ width: '100%', height: '300px', tools: 'bold italic underline | format font size | color background | left center right | outdent indent | ul ol | image | image_upload | link | clean | html',
createCommand: function (name) {
switch (name) {
case "image_upload":
return {
type: 'fileUpload',
tooltip: "File upload",
init: function (widget) {
widget.jqxFileUpload({ height: '30px', uploadUrl: '<?php echo base_url(); ?>index.php/admnin/newsletter_imageupload' });
refresh: function (widget, style) {
action: function (widget, editor) {
var widgetValue = widget.val();
return { command: "inserthtml", value: widgetValue };
}, theme: ''});
but it doesn’t works.
Can somebody help me please? Thanks a lot in advance!