When I try to create a slider control:
$('.layerSlider2').jqxSlider({ theme: 'ui-smoothness', min: 0, max: 100, value: 100, step: 5, showButtons: false, showTicks: false, width: 27, height: 18 });
It crashes on the line in jqxslider.js:
that._helpers['element'].sizeChanged(function () {
$(that._leftButton).jqxRepeatButton({ template: that.template, theme: that.theme, delay: 50, width: that.sliderButtonSize, height: that.sliderButtonSize });
$(that._rightButton).jqxRepeatButton({ template: that.template, theme: that.theme, delay: 50, width: that.sliderButtonSize, height: that.sliderButtonSize });
The error message is: Object doesn’t support property or method ‘sizeChanged’.
Please tell me how to fix it. I have the source, I just need to know why sizeChanged was never initialized and how to initialize it.