jQuery UI Widgets Forums Angular Component Load changes TreeGrid Style

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  mattooren 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Component Load changes TreeGrid Style #90359


    Hi all,

    I want to load a certain component based on a certain element being selected in a treegrid.
    However, when I load the component the style of my treegrid changes.

    To illustrate:

    TreeGrid before click:
    TreeGrid before click

    TreeGrid after click:
    TreeGrid afterclick


    CSS Before Click:
    CSS before click

    CSS After Click:
    CSS afterclick

    I use the following code to load the components:
    <projectDetailsComponent *ngIf=”loadComponentBoolean” (onReloadTree)=”onReloadTree()” [projectID]=”selectedID”></projectDetailsComponent>

    Does anyone know how I prevent the CSS from changing?

    Thanks in advance!

    Component Load changes TreeGrid Style #90414

    Peter Stoev

    Hi mattooren,

    Selection style is applied when you select something in the TreeGrid. You can edit the CSS theme which you use if you wish a different behavior.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

    Component Load changes TreeGrid Style #90566



    That should explain it!

    Kind regards,

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