jQuery UI Widgets › Forums › Editors › ScrollBar, Slider, BulletChart, RangeSelector › Chart does not show when use rangeSelector
Tagged: bug, chart range selector, number, xAxis
This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Vladimir 9 years, 3 months ago.
function fn_initJqxChartRouteAll(list, max, min, interval){ var setting = { title : null, description : null, source : list, enableAnimations : true, showLegend : false, padding : { left : 15, top : 15, right : 10, bottom : 5 }, legendLayout : { left : 50, top : 10 }, xAxis : { dataField : 'ROUTE_NM', type : 'basic', rangeSelector: { serieType: 'area', renderTo: $('#rangeSelector'), backgroundColor: 'white', gridLines: {visible: false}, dataField : 'VAL', moveOnClick: false }, tickMarks: { visible: true, interval: 1 }, gridLinesInterval: { visible: true, interval: 1 }, valuesOnTicks: false, padding: { bottom: 10 } }, valueAxis : { maxValue : max, minValue : min, unitInterval : interval }, seriesGroups : [{ type : 'column', columnsMaxWidth : 30, series : [ {dataField : 'VAL'} ] }] }; $("#jqxChartAllRt").jqxChart(setting); }
This is the setting of the chart.
Precisely, if the mixture of the characters on the x-axis of the chart is visible normally chart.
However, the chart does not seem to be the case only numbers, not characters.Please let me know if this solution.
Thank you.(this question is writing by google translator..;)
Hello vv9863,
Can you please provide a fiddle with an example of the issue that you are having?
Or at least provide the data that you try to use to populate the grid.Best Regards,
VladimirjQWidgets Team
http://www.jqwidgets.comchart data example :
var list = new Array(); list[0] = { ROUTE_ID : 100100205, ROUTE_NM : "2234", ROUTE_VER : 1, STDR_DE : 20150801, VAL : 93.5 }
var list = new Array(); list[0] = { ROUTE_ID : 100100205, ROUTE_NM : "2234", ROUTE_VER : 1, STDR_DE : 20150801, VAL : 93.5 }; list[1] = { ROUTE_ID : 100100206, ROUTE_NM : "2235", ROUTE_VER : 1, STDR_DE : 20150801, VAL : 88.9 }; list[2] = { ROUTE_ID : 100100207, ROUTE_NM : "2236", ROUTE_VER : 1, STDR_DE : 20150801, VAL : 91.2 };
Thank you for pointing this issue to us.
We will investigate why this happens.
Meanwhile depending on your data, you can try using type: ‘linear’ for the xAxis instead of basic, and see if that type of chart works for you.
Best Regards,
VladimirjQWidgets Team
http://www.jqwidgets.comThanks for answer.
But When use linear instead of basic, another problem occurred.
var list = new Array(); list[0] = { ROUTE_ID : 100100100, ROUTE_NM : "100", ROUTE_VER : 1, STDR_DE : 20150801, VAL : 93.5 }; list[1] = { ROUTE_ID : 100100206, ROUTE_NM : "2235", ROUTE_VER : 1, STDR_DE : 20150801, VAL : 88.9 }; list[2] = { ROUTE_ID : 100100207, ROUTE_NM : "2236", ROUTE_VER : 1, STDR_DE : 20150801, VAL : 91.2 };
this is my data, and settings are not changed except type (basic->linear).
Yes, this is why I said it is depending on your data. It would work only if your ROUTE_NM values are sequential, as this is how linear chart works.
I am sorry that I can not provide another workaround at this time.
Best Regards,
VladimirjQWidgets Team
http://www.jqwidgets.com -
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