jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid cellclassname behavior in jqxgrid.columns changed?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  admin 4 years, 2 months ago.

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  • ElSenorEd

    In the 9.1.6 and older version of the jqxgrid, the behavior of the jqxgrid.columns.cellclassname is different than the 10.1.6 version. We are drawing or setting the class for each cell in the grid dependent on the ‘state’ of a row. In most cases we only need to update the cell class once. In version of 9.1.6, the jqxgrid.columns.cellclassname would be called for every column for a row once when an item is updated. In version 10.1.6, it does not do that.
    In version 10.1.6 If we use the cellsrenderer to draw each cell, it is inefficient because it refreshes all of the divs of the entire grid. We are using knockout. Is this something that changed in knockout binding in jqxKnockout?


    Hi ElSenorEd,

    This behavior is changed because of an optiimization introduced in the Grid. Now, when a cell value is changed and that cell has a cellclassname set, only that cell is refreshed. In order to use the previous behavior, you can use the “enableoptimization: false” property of the DataGrid.

    Hope this helps.

    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team


    Just wanted to chime in that this fixed my issue as well, but we are not using cellclassname that I’m aware of. We just have a cellsrender for non-data bound columns and that used to trigger on each column. Now it only triggers on the first column and the other columns did not get that event.



    The property is disabled by default in jQWidgets 11.0.1

    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

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