Can anyone please tell me how to implement such a basic functionality in this framework. There is no way this could possibly be this difficult to accomplish.
icon = SearchMagGlass
SearchMagGlass > click it > open a window/panel/snowcone/whatever directly below it with:
No header,
No Close button,
Renders an Accordion.
12 sections (headers corresponds with field names) only one section at a time can be opened and all can be collapsed.
12 content sections
content sections each have a “field filter form” (hidden field for the “field” name) each with an “Add” and “Clear” button.
“Add” appends to a string variable that I will send to the server where I can “write less and do more in a fraction of the time”.
At the very bottom outside of the Accordion will be a “Search” and a “Cancel” button. Search triggers the API to the server with the dynamically built string which will be processed to return the result set to a datatable/grid/whatever.
This is not going to be used for mobile or tablets. JUST a browser window on a desktop computer.
I’d really appreciate any help I could get.