With a jqxTabs control I am using the setTitleAt method multiple times (it needs to change each time I select different data)
I have two tabs showing on the control.
Every time I call the setTitleAt method on the first tab it does something strange with the second tab.
You won’t notice this visually you will need to right click and inspect the right tab. You will see that every time the title of the first tab changes the second tab gets another nested level of div with class titleContentWrapper.
So after 20 times the title changes the second tab as 20 deep of divs.
The reason I notice this is that I have written code that can hide a tab but this does not work now with the title changing because of all of the div levels. If the user is on that page changing data hundreds of times I don’t know what will happen with all of the hundreds of div levels being created.