jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid bottom sum not showing

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  mustafa 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • bottom sum not showing #66990


    I do not see cell in total sum

     columns: [
                    text: "Invoice Item", width: '40%', datafield: "InvoiceItemID", columntype: 'dropdownlist', createeditor: function (row, column, editor) {
                        editor.jqxDropDownList({ source: invoiceItemsData, displayMember: "Name", valueMember: "InvoiceItemID", promptText: "Please Select Item:" });
                    cellvaluechanging: function (row, column, columntype, oldvalue, newvalue) {
                        if (newvalue == "") return oldvalue;
                      { text: 'Amount', datafield: 'Amount', width: '20%', cellsformat: 'c2', aggregates: ['sum', 'avg'] },
                      { text: 'VAT', datafield: 'VAT', width: '20%', cellsformat: 'c2', aggregates: ['sum', 'avg'] },
                          text: 'Total', datafield: 'Total', width: '20%', cellsformat: 'c2', columntype: 'numberinput',
                          initeditor: function (row, cellvalue, editor) {
                              editor.jqxNumberInput({ digits: 2 });
                          }, cellsrenderer: function (index, datafield, value, defaultvalue, column, rowdata) {
                              window.total = parseFloat(rowdata.Amount) * parseFloat(rowdata.VAT) / 100 + parseFloat(rowdata.Amount);
                              if (isNaN(window.total)) {
                                  total = 0;
                              return "<div style='margin: 4px;' class='jqx-right-align'>" + dataAdapter.formatNumber(window.total, "c2") + "</div>";
                          aggregates: ['sum', 'avg', {
                              '<br /><b>Total</b>':
                              function (aggregatedValue, currentValue, column, record) {
                                  return aggregatedValue;

    bottom sum not showing #66994


    Hello mustafa,

    This issue is discussed in the following forum topic: http://www.jqwidgets.com/community/topic/help-i-want-to-automatically-add-grid/, where examples and ideas for workarounds are given, too. Please read all posts carefully to understand why this behaviour occurs.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

    bottom sum not showing #67080


    hi dimitar
    than you for reply

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