Hello to all,
Version 3.2.2
Had a previous question regarding binding complete. The problem was it fired the first time I loaded the web page.
I have a data source that is a json query that I update when I click a calendar.
The bindingComplete event does not fire after the first time.
$("#events").on('bindingComplete', function (event) {
var items = $("#events").jqxListBox('getItems');
ddate = formatDate(date,'MM-dd-yyyy');
$('#navigationbar').jqxNavigationBar('setHeaderContentAt', 1, '('+items.length+') Activity: '+ddate);
I create a jsfiddle and the event fired everytime.
$("#jqxgrid").on('bindingcomplete', function (event) {
THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS THE spelling bindingComplete and bindingcomplete.
I changed my script to the lower case and it did not work.
Is there a difference in the version of jquery 1.9.1 in jsfiddle and the jquery 1.10.2
What is it, that I do not understand?