jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Automatic new row and pasting new rows into JQXGrid

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Hristo 5 years ago.

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  • kamblehr@gmail.com

    By referring an existing thread https://www.jqwidgets.com/community/topic/automatic-new-row-and-pasting-new-rows-into-jqxgrid/.

    I have same requirement with multiple rows were copied back from excel and when pasted by focusing grid or at the last “empty” row, automatically append all the new rows. It could even handle mixed scenarios. Where if your cursor was on an existing row in the grid, the paste would overwrite any existing records and if it hit the bottom of the grid, the paste would then would continue by appending the remaining rows to the end of the grid.

    Am I missing the trick to adding new rows automatically? and is there a way I can handle these scenarios?

    And yes our organisation is using paid version. Thanks in advance.



    Hello Harshal,

    You could use the cellclick event or also the rowclick event to recognize on which row is the cursor.
    Also, the handlekeyboardnavigation callback could be helpful here.
    Another thing that you should handle is to process the copied data to know how many rows to add or on which rows to add this data.
    As in the mentioned topic, I would like to suggest you contact the Support Team (support@jqwidgets.com) or the Sales Department (sales@jqwidgets.com) with your request.

    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team

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