jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Apply default filter on row type Filter

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  • Apply default filter on row type Filter #48824


    I have added row filter in grid. In that for one column i used ‘checkedlist’ filterType.

    I want to apply default filter on that column when grid is initialized. How to do this?

    I saw “Grid Filtering” in documentation, but that is only for filtering panel in the columns popup menus.
    I do not understand how to do this for row type filter.

    Thanks & Regards,

    Apply default filter on row type Filter #48832



    For example : i have a Column named “Type” contains only “A” and “B” values.
    Filter type “checkedlist” is used in filter row.

    when grid is initialized, I want to show filtered grid with type “A” only , and on click of remove filter button it will show all rows with both types.

    Apply default filter on row type Filter #49074


    Hello Snehal,

    To achieve this, please apply the filter in the grid’s ready callback function, as done in the demo Filtering.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

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