jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Alternate row color after grouping in jqxgrid

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Hristo 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • vinu

    I load same jqxgrid twice in my application. One is during initial page load and other is on button click in that same page. In initial load i have not used grouping and alternate row colors are working fine. During the button click, i call the same jqxgrid with grouping and rowindex gets changed and same colors are getting loaded in consecutive rows. I need to show the row colors alternatively even after grouping. Any help is appreciated. Below is the code which i have used during the button click.

    width: ‘99.5%’,
    pageable: false,
    height: ‘100%’,
    rowsheight: 30,
    altrows: true,
    source: dataAdapter,
    groupable: true,
    groups: [‘Series’],
    showgroupsheader: false,
    groupsrenderer: function (defaultText, group, state, params) {
    return “<div style=’margin: 5px;’>” + ” + “</div>”;
    groupsexpandedbydefault: true,
    sortable: false,
    filterable: true,
    filtermode: ‘excel’,
    columnsresize: true,
    columnsreorder: true,
    editable: true,
    selectionmode: ‘multiplecellsadvanced’,
    columns: [
    { text: ‘Production Resource’, datafield: ‘ProductionResource’, width: ‘8.5%’, editable: false, groupable: false },
    { text: ‘Series’, datafield: ‘Series’, width: ‘8.5%’, editable: true },
    { text: ‘Item Status’, datafield: ‘ItemStatus’, width: ‘8.5%’, editable: false, groupable: false },
    { text: ‘Future Status’, datafield: ‘FutureStatus’, width: ‘6%’, editable: false, groupable: false },
    text: ‘Adj Prod Qty’, datafield: ‘AdjProdQty’, width: ‘5%’, editable: true, groupable: false,
    cellvaluechanging: function (row, datafield, columntype, oldvalue, newvalue) {


    Hello vinu,

    You do not need to re-set all settings in the Grid when you clicking overt the button.
    If you need to change the color of a grouped column just you could use .jqx-grid-group-column { color: red; }
    If this does not help please give me more information what you want to achieve.

    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team

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