jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Aggregates Super Slow Rendering

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  • Aggregates Super Slow Rendering #107171

    a2m developer

    Aggregates on the grid are super slow. For example:

    I have 20 columns that all have sum aggregates and it takes 10 minutes to load 5,000 records.

    If I remove the aggregates the list loads in under a second.

    To test my theory, I put a counter in the _calculateaggregate function in the jqxgrid.aggregates script.
    I loaded a list of 10 records (still with the 20 columns of sums)
    The counter recorded 650 calls. ( 20 cols x 10 records is only 200.. why is this calculating more that 3 times? )

    So my list of 5,000 records would calculate the aggregates 32,500 times? No wonder it won’t load. What is going on?
    And why do the aggregates (calculate or update) on a scroll? No data has changed.

    jqwidgets 5.5

    Aggregates Super Slow Rendering #107182


    Hello a2m developer,

    If you use a custom logic like the aggregatesrenderer” callback.
    Which could increase the calculation process but just a little bit.
    I try with the latest version of the jQWidgets.
    Could you provide us with one simplified example that demonstrates your case?
    Also, I would like to suggest trying to update to the latest version.

    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team

    Aggregates Super Slow Rendering #111546


    Even if “aggregatesrenderer” does nothing, it is very slow if the number in each row is a very large number. If you remove the “aggregatesrenderer”, which does nothing, it will return to normal speed.

    Aggregates Super Slow Rendering #111571


    Hello WooSyong,

    Could you clarify it?
    Please, provide us one example (jseditor/jsfiddle) that demonstrates your case.

    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team

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