jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Adding jqWidgets V10 to a project


This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  pedro10 4 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Adding jqWidgets V10 to a project #112679


    I use NSB AppStudio to create apps.

    I’m trying to add version 10 of jqWidgets to my project and i’m having trouble doing so. With an older version i used (9.1.4), i just added the jqwidgets folder (from inside the downloaded 9.1.4) to the my project and the controls ran fine.
    However, with the latest version (10.0.2), i added the same folder but get an error when trying to run code used for jqxGrid.
    The error is,

    Uncaught ReferenceError: that is not defined.
    line 8 column 260013

    Are there other files/folders that i need to add to my project?


    Adding jqWidgets V10 to a project #112685


    Hi pedro10,

    Can you post the code of this error?

    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

    Adding jqWidgets V10 to a project #112690


    Hi Peter,

    The code i used for this is below. The app consists of only a button and jqxGrid.

    Button1.onclick = function() 
         gedata = [];
         //get grid data
         for     (i = (0); i  <= 100; i ++) 
              row = [];
              for     (j = (0); j  <= 10; j ++) 
                   row["col" + j] = i;  
              gedata[i] = row;   
         //get data field array and columns to display
         datafieldsArray = [];
         columnsArray = [];
         gridcolsindex = 0;
         for     (k = (0); k  <= 10; k ++)
                datafieldsArray[gridcolsindex] = {name: "col" + k , type: "text"};
                columnsArray[gridcolsindex] = {text: "Col" + k, datafield: "col" + k, cellsalign: 'center', align: 'center', width: "10%"};
                gridcolsindex = gridcolsindex + 1;   
         var source = 
             localdata: gedata,
             datafields: datafieldsArray,
             datatype: "array"
         var adapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source);
            //width: 800,
            theme: 'energyblue',
            //columnsheight: 25, 
            rowsheight: 30, 
            source: adapter,
            sortable: True,
            //selectionmode: 'singlecell',
            columns: columnsArray


    Adding jqWidgets V10 to a project #112695


    Hi pedro,

    I prepared a sample based on this code and posted it here: http://jsfiddle.net/8fr7pt9c/

    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

    Adding jqWidgets V10 to a project #112713


    Thanks Peter

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