Hi, I’m trying to fuse two examples presents in demo section:
1) http://www.jqwidgets.com/jquery-widgets-demo/demos/jqxtree/index.htm#demos/jqxtree/checkboxes.htm
2) http://www.jqwidgets.com/jquery-widgets-demo/demos/jqxtree/index.htm#demos/jqxtree/settings.htm
In example (2) i’ve replaced the jqxTree declaration
$(‘#jqxTree’).jqxTree({ height: ‘400px’, width: ‘300px’, theme: theme });
$(‘#jqxTree’).jqxTree({ height: ‘400px’, hasThreeStates: true, checkboxes: true, width: ‘330px’, theme: theme });
and added all the buttons logic (add, remove, etc).
when I select a node without children (example node “Home” or a leaf node) and click on “Add” the jqxTree is not rendered correctly.
The checkbox is moved to left but no arrow appears.
I need to click “Expand” as workaround in order to get a correct tree visualization.
Could be a bug?