My actual problem is:
when in grid set
virtualmode: true,
pageable: true,
filterable: true,
showfilterrow: true,
then when do filter one column , after data Is received from server
filtered textbox lost focus and if I want change filter value must select filter textbox again
now if I know name of currently focused filter textbox then I can focus that text in rendered method of grid.
I finally solved this problem by changing in source code of
and chnge
Line:7 : Col:10714
f[0].id = a.jqx.utilities.createId();
f[0].addEventListener("focus", function () { eval(C.owner.element.id + "_ActiveFilterID='" + "JGF_" + C.datafield + "-" + "'") }); f[0].id = "JGF_" + C.datafield + "-" + a.jqx.utilities.createId();
Line:7 : Col:14851
I[0].id = a.jqx.utilities.createId();
I[0].addEventListener("focus", function () { eval(C.owner.element.id + "_ActiveFilterID='" + "JGF_" + C.datafield + "-" + "'") }); I[0].id = "JGF_" + C.datafield + "-" + a.jqx.utilities.createId();
and add this code in rendered method of grid
if (typeof jgrvListGrid_ActiveFilterID != "undefined" && jgrvListGrid_ActiveFilterID != null)
SetCaretAtEnd($('[id^=' + jgrvListGrid_ActiveFilterID + ']')[0]);
“SetCaretAtEnd” is function that focus textbox and send cursor to end
“jgrvListGrid” is id of DIV that create Grid on it.