jQuery UI Widgets Forums General Discussions 2-Way binding with Angular.JS

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  benedictbrown 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • 2-Way binding with Angular.JS #56382


    I’m working on an application using jqxWidgets and AngularJS. I’ve tweaked the ngjqxsettings.js example so I can reliably instantiate widgets and have them update when the scope variables change. But I’d like to find a way to automatically update the scope variables whenever a bound widget property changes. At the moment, I’m trying to do this with a jqxDateTimePicker, but I’d like to find a general solution so I don’t have to special case every event of every widget I need.

    As far as I can tell, I can bind the jqxDateTimePicker’s valuechanged widget to a function that updates the angular scope variable for the value. But I’d much rather bind to an event that exists in every widget and fires whenever any property changes. Then I could get 2-way updating of more than just the value, and for every widget type. I don’t see any such event in the jqWidgets or jQuery API, but perhaps someone more expert knows how to do this or knows an alternative.

    Many thanks,

    2-Way binding with Angular.JS #56394


    Hello Benedict,

    Unfortunately, as of now, there is no general solution on this matter.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

    2-Way binding with Angular.JS #56451


    OK. Thanks for the quick reply, and take it is a feature suggestion. Meanwhile, the API is consistent enough that I think I can hook the properties I need without much trouble.


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