The DateTimePicker for Angular allows you to pick a date and/or time with the help of a calendar component and a time input component. The DateTimePicker, sometimes called also DateTimeInput is used in all cases when the user needs to pick or input time and date. You can select a date by clicking the calendar button and selecting the date from the calendar, or enter the date manually in the input text filed. The time can be selected by clicking the clock button and choosing the time with the clock counters, or again entering the time manually in the time input text field.
Angular DateTimePicker basic features
One of the basic features of our DateTimePicker for Angular is the localization in different languages and time formats. The different localizations are contained in text files with the corresponding language code. They are set to the DateTimePicker instance by the culture property.
Another basic feature is that you can set the DateTimePiceker to be date picker, time picker, or both. The configuration happens with the formatString property.
Our DateTimePicker for Angular has built-in date parsing functionality and supports choosing a date in different formats: short date, long date, short time, long time, long date and short time, long date and long time and month/day.
You can also choose between different built-in template options for displaying the calendar and clock buttons.

Angular DateTimePicker advanced features
One of the advanced features is range selection. Using this option from the calendar you can click on a start date and on an end date and thus choose a range.
You can also change the horizontal alignment of the calendar and clock component to left and right and also the vertical alignment to top and bottom.
Our DateTimePicker supports also animation. By enabling the animation you can see a nice fading effect when the calendar appears or disappears.
Keyboard navigation and right to left layout are also supported.