Angular ComboBox

In this blog we will show you the features of our Angular ComboBox.

The ComboBox is one of the basic components used very often in the user interface part of applications. It consists of a list of selectable items displayed in a drop-down and an input text field where the user can enter information and search for a specific item. Besides text, the items can include pictures and checkboxes.

Angular ComboBox basic functionality

One of the basic features is auto-complete support. With the auto-complete the item matching the text in the input filed will be shown on top.

Another feature is the data binding. The Angular ComboBox can be bound to XML and JSON.

The ComboBox supports checkboxes next to the items. When this feature is activated the input text field is read only.

The ComboBox support also different templates. In this way you can easily change the color of the drop down button.

Angular ComboBox

Angular ComboBox advanced functionality

One of the advanced features is multi select. Enabling this feature will allow you to choose more than one item from the drop down list which will appear in the input text field. Items can also be removed from the input text field.

Another advanced feature is support for categories. By using this option you can display item in groups by setting each item’s group property.

You can also change the dropdown horizontal and vertical alignment. The horizontal alignment can be left or right and the vertical alignment can be top or bottom.

One interesting advanced feature is animation. By enabling animation you can have a Slide or a Fade effect when the dropdown appears.

In addition our Angular ComboBox support keyboard navigation and right to left layout.

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