Angular Accordion

In this blog we are going to show you our Accordion component for Angular.

The Accordion component represents a list of items that can be expanded. It includes a header part and a content part where the items are situated. The Accordion is very similar to Navigation Bar with the exception that it can have only one expanded item at a time.

Angular Accordion functionality

In order to produce an Accordion component you will have to use our Angular Navigation Bar in its default state.

Angular Accordion

The Accordion component can be made read only or disabled by setting the disabled property to true.

If you would like to make the currently selected item more visible you can use the toggle mode option.

The text and back ground colors can be customized and you can also use one of the predefined themes which include 3 Angular Material themes.

Keyboard navigation, right to left order and fluid design are also supported.

You can see an example here.

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