Angular 6 Calendar with Week Number

In this blog we will show you how to create Angular Calendar with Week Number.

The Calendar for Angular enables you to visualize the year, month and date. You can change the years and months by navigating the calendar from the title bar. The calendar is one of the basic components used when you need to change or select dates. Our Angular Calendar supports Week Numbers.

The Week Number or week of the year is displayed in the first column on the left. In order to display the Week Number you have to set the showWeekNumbers property to true. The Week Number is not displayed by default.

Angular Calendar with Week Number features

The Angular Calendar enables localization of the content and dates in different languages and date formats.

Angular Calendar with Week Number

It also enables selecting date ranges. In order to select a date range you have to click on a start and the on an end date.

The Calendar can also be enabled or disabled. When the Calendar is disabled it is not possible to choose dates.

Like all component in the JQWidgets framework the Angular Calendar is responsive and supports keyboard navigation and right to left layout.

You can see an example here.

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